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Vein Treatment Services in St. Louis: Spider & Varicose Vein Treatments
6 McBride and Son Center Drive
Chesterfield, MO 63005

Laser Treatment for Removing Spider Veins

Spider veins are very prevalent, affecting more than 80% of all women at some point in their lives, though men can also have issues with spider veins. Spider veins are generally not a medical problem as they rarely cause significant health issues. Therefore, they are primarily removed for cosmetic reasons.

One of the available ways to remove spider veins is using transcutaneous laser vein removal. Laser vein removal is extremely effective for treating spider veins, especially when the veins are the right depth and color… located on the face. This method can also be used to treat spider veins in cases where sclerotherapy or other methods cannot be used. For example, laser vein removal is a good option for those who have an aversion to needles or when sclerotherapy has not worked for various reasons.

At Midwest Vein Care, located in Chesterfield, MO, we offer this popular type of treatment for spider veins as well a variety of other treatment options. If you would like to learn more about laser vein removal or any of our vein treatment options, contact us at 636-536-0241.

How Does Laser Vein Removal Work?

Laser Vein Removal in St. Louis: Before & After Photos

During laser vein removal treatment, laser heat is directed at the spider veins through the skin by way of a beam of laser light. The laser is composed of a focused beam of light of a single wavelength and color, or in another kind of treatment called Intense Pulsed Light Laser (IPL), the light is composed of multiple wavelengths. In the IPL treatment, the light is delivered through a flash lamp delivering broadband white light.

When the laser light is preferentially absorbed by the blood in the spider veins, they become heated. The heat causes the veins to seal close, destroying the vein lumen and hence the vein itself.  Blood is then diverted through healthier veins, and therefore, blood circulation is not hampered. The destroyed vein forms scar tissue, which is absorbed by the body within several months. Depending on the character and size of the veins and the area covered, several procedures may be required in order for laser vein removal to achieve the desired results.

The side effects of laser vein removal are minor. Patients may feel minor discomfort during the procedure. There may also be a slight, temporary skin discoloration. In rare cases a blister may form.

Advantages of Laser Technology in Spider Vein Removal

Studies and experience have shown that laser spider vein removal is a safe and effective treatment for removing unwanted veins. Laser vein removal offers many advantages. The following are some of the many benefits this treatment method offers.

  • Laser vein removal is one of the safest and most effective techniques for treating spider veins on the face.
  • Since focused light is used to selectively destroy veins, nearby tissues receive minimal, if any damage. In fact, laser is a standard for treating facial spider veins.
  • Normally no anesthesia is required during the procedure. However, a topical anesthetic may be applied.
  • The technique is non-invasive, and there are no punctures, needles, or cuts to the skin.
  • You can resume your normal life immediately with no downtime.
  • There is generally little to no bruising or residual traumatic effects. After treatment, there will usually be mild redness and swelling, that resolves in a few hours.
  • Lasers are equipped with cooling systems, which help minimize and relieve pain.

Contact Us for More Information About Laser Vein Removal

To learn more about our laser vein removal or to talk with our experts to determine if this option is the right vein treatment choice for you, please contact our St. Louis vein treatment center today at 636-536-0241. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

6 McBride and Son Center Drive
Chesterfield, MO 63005

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